Evaluation of the Inter-American Framework for Action 2012-2016

As a learning organization, the Red Cross Red Crescent network is committed to ensuring that its priorities and overarching goals are practical and accessible. To that end, a working group recently carried out an evaluation of the Inter-American Framework for Action 2012-2016.

“Dear friends of the Red Cross, we have as many challenges as we have opportunities to grow.” –Annabella Folger de Roca, President, Guatemalan Red Cross and CORI

The InterAmerican Framework for Action 2012-2016 was adopted at the XIX InterAmerican Conference in Montrouis, Haiti in March 2012. Watch this dynamic video to review the Framework’s key components:

The American Red Cross’ Guillermo Garcia presented the working group’s key findings on Saturday morning. The evaluation—which took place between September 2014 and March 2015— involved the administration of two surveys. Each of the 35 National Societies responded to at least one of the two surveys, which is an excellent participation rate!

The challenges and limitations expressed by National Societies through the two surveys help to identify the following ten cross-cutting priorities for the next four years:

  • Strengthen the capacity of trained leaders as actors of change for National Society development and guardians of its integrity;
  • Strengthen human talent, especially with volunteers;
  • Strengthen the financial sustainability of National Societies by diversifying and increasing options for generating resources at the local and national level in the provision of essential services;
  • Continuous improvement of humanitarian activities: high quality and efficient program management, results and risks monitoring, organizational development expertise and learning and knowledge management promotion and systems;
  • Strengthen strategic relationships with public authorities at the national and local level;
  • Collaboration and coordination with other humanitarian and private actors that can provide operational and/or financial support to the National Societies;
  • Modern, coherent, efficient and well-monitored communication, particularly in an emergency context, and strong branch and headquarter communication capacity
  • Larger and better access, presence and participation with communities through the branches of the National Societies; and
  • An improved, unified, structured and modernized logistics system and capacity accountability to the community, beneficiaries and other stakeholders to ensure the integrity and credibility of the National Societies.

For more detailed results of the Evaluation of the Inter-American Framework for Action 2012-2016, visit the document on Fednet.